Ninja’s, Nerf Wars & Soccer Camp-Week 3!




start Date


END Date



Ninja, Nerf, Soccer Camp: Ages 4-6yrs & Ages 6-9yrs (age groups vary depending on the week). BUGS Indoor Ninja, Nerf & Soccer camp is a fun, beginning level soccer camp mixed with the fun of our Gym Ninjas gymnastics program, a Nerf Gun Battle Time., & a daily craft & short snack time. Soccer skills, drills, games and scrimmages! Trampoline, Zip Lines, Foam Block Pits & more! Nerf Gun Battle on the field with Gym mats used as forts and perfect hiding spots.  Each camp week will end with a water day on Friday(outside water games)-followed by an end of the week Soccer Scrimmage that parents can attend if they want!  Be sure to send your child with a soccer ball, nerf gun (eye protection provided), tennis shoes, shin guards, a water bottle & a snack each day of camp!

$140.00 per week for non-members, $135.00 per


BUGs Gym

Registration Opens


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