MCCSC 3E Steam Camp




start Date


END Date



  • Transportation: Parents/Guardians will need to arrange for drop off and pick up of their child(ren) on time each day
  • Grade Levels: Students currently enrolled in 5th-7th grade THIS school year (2022-2023)
  • Cost: $100 materials and registration fee ($50 is due with registration, the remaining $50 will be collected by July 10th (an email will be sent to registered families the first week of July).  You may choose to pay the full $100 at time of registration.  We will not be offering refunds.  Please email Dr. Stacy Sedory ( for more information about scholarships.
  • Meals/Snack: Snacks will be provided.  Students should plan to bring their own lunches and eat breakfast prior to arriving at camp.
  • Registration will remain open until June 5th or until the camp is full, whichever comes first.
  • This program is contingent on enrollment.  We do not anticipate having to cancel, but in the event it is necessary, a cancellation decision will be made by June 5th.  In the event of cancellation, all previous payments will be reimbursed to families.


The Academy of Science and Entrepreneurship (one of MCCSC’s 4 high schools), located at 444 S. Patterson Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403

Registration Opens


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